TECNOTELAI srl, con sede legale in Via Bonazzi, 4 - 40013 Castel Maggiore (BO) P.IVA 00588341206 - C.F. 02546520376, as Data Controller, in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR").

We therefore invite you, before transmitting any personal data to the Data Controller, to read this privacy policy: which contains information relating to the processing of your Personal Data. "Personal Data" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("Data Subject"); identifiable is the natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by, for example, the name, an identification number, data relating to its location, an online identifier or to one or more elements of its physical, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity.

This information is provided, pursuant to art. 13 of the above mentioned EU Regulation, to all those who interact with the web services of the Data Controller, either by simple consultation or by using specific services made available through the Website. In particular, the privacy policy is rendered for the Website https://www.tecnotelai.it (Website).

The Data Controller can be contacted at: info@tecnotelai.it

As required by the GDPR, the processing carried out by the Data Controller will be based on the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, limitation of purposes and storage, minimisation of data, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.


  1. Data controller
  2. The Personal Data Subject to processing
    • a. Navigation data
    • b. Data provided voluntarily by the Data Subject
    • c. Cookie
  3. Legal basis and purpose of the processing of Personal Data
  4. Nature of the provision of Personal Data
  5. Recipients of Personal Data
  6. Retention of Personal Data
  7. Data transfer abroad
  8. Rights of Data Subjects
  9. Amendments

1. Data controller

The Data Controller is TECNOTELAI srl with registered office in Via Bonazzi, 4 - 40013 Castel Maggiore (BO) REA: BO - 0334438 - P.IVA: 00588341206 - C.F. e REG.IMPR.BO: 02546520376 - Cap. Soc. 1.000.000,00 I.V. which can be contacted at: info@tecnotelai.it

2. Personal Data Subject to processing

a. Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures responsable for the operation of the Website acquire, during their normal operation, some Personal Data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected in order to be associated with Data Subjects, but it is data that by their nature, through processing and association with data held by third parties, could allow the identification of users. The category includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the Website, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the state of the response given by the server (good end, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the computer environment of the user. These data are used only for the purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Website and to check its correct functioning, to identify anomalies and/or abuses, and are deleted immediately after processing. The data may be used to ascertain liability in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the Website or third parties.

b. Data provided voluntarily by the Data Subject

The Data Controller may process personal contact data, provided voluntarily by the Data Subject who has filled in the form required contact such as: name, surname, the residence data, email and telephone.
If the data subject has subscribed to the newsletter, the data controller may process data provided voluntarily by the Data Subject such as: name, surname, the residence data, email and telephone.
Where the Data Subject has proceeded to make purchases from the Website, the data controller may process the data provided voluntarily by the Data Subject such as: name, surname, the residence data, email and telephone, in addition to data relating to payments and other banking information.
If the Data Subject has provided explicit consent, as per separate form, the Data Controller is also authorized to process personal data (such as name, surname, residence data, email and telephone) for marketing purposes.
In the event that the Data Subject communicates with the Data Controller Personal Data of third parties, must ensure - assuming any responsibility - that this particular case of processing is based on an appropriate legal basis pursuant to art. 6 of the Regulations, which legitimizes the communication to the Data Controller and the related processing of the information in question.

c. Cookie

Cookie collect information that includes data that can potentially identify a Data Subject. For the processing of data through Cookie, please read the relevant policy, available at the following link: https://www.tecnotelai.it/en/cookie-policy

3. Legal Basis and Purpose of the processing of Personal Data

The Data Controller processes your Personal Data for the achievement of precise purposes and only if there is a specific legal basis as required by the Regulation.
The list here shows the processing carried out by the Data Controller to allow yoi to use the webWebsite and its services, to allow the Data Controller to ensure their proper functioning and compliance of the processing. The Data Controller processes your Personal Data for various purposes and legal bases.

  • A. Purpose of operation of the Website, provision of related services and control of the proper functioning of the same. Legal basis: execution of a contract to which you are a party or the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at your request (art. 6, 1 paragraph, lit. b) of the Regulation).
  • B. Purchases made on the Website and request information from the interested party. Legal basis: execution of a contract to which you are a party or the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at your request (art. 6, 1 paragraph, lit. b) of he Regulation).
  • C. Direct marketing - subscription to the newsletter and authorization to process personal data for marketing purposes; legal basis: your optional, free and revocable consent at any time (art. 6, 1 paragraph, lit. a) of the Regulation).
  • D. Prevention and repression fraud/ abuse/ fraudulent activities carried out through the webWebsite. Legal basis: legitimate interest of the Data Controller (art. 6, 1 paragraph, lit. f) of the Regulation).
  • E. Establishment, exercise or defense of a right of the Data Controller in court. Legal basis legitimate interest of the Data Controller (art. 6, 1 paragraph, lit. f) of the Regulation).

4. Nature of the provision of Personal Data

The provision of your data is mandatory for the purposes of the service referred to in points A),B) D) and E) of paragraph 3 above. Any refusal to provide such data may make it impossible to use the services offered by the Data Controller through the Website. The provision of your data is instead optional for the commercial purposes referred to in point C) of paragraph 3 above. Any refusal to provide data will not allow you to receive any commercial communications on products, initiatives and/or services proposed by the Data Controller.
You can unsubscribe from any service you have subscribed to at any time by sending the request to: info@tecnotelai.it
The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent prior to the revocation.

5. Recipients of Personal Data

Your Personal Data may be shared, for the purposes referred to in paragraph 3, with:

  • A. subjects who typically act as data processors pursuant to art. 28 of the Regulation, in particular: i) persons, companies or professional firms that provide assistance and advice to the Data Controller in accounting, administrative, legal, tax, financial and debt collection related to the provision of the Services; ii) subjects with whom it is necessary to interact for the provision of the Services (for example hosting providers) iii) or subjects delegated to perform technical maintenance (including the maintenance of network equipment and electronic communications networks); (collectively "Recipients"); the list of data processors processing data may be requested from the Data Controller by sending a request via email to info@tecnotelai.it.
  • B. subjects or authorities, autonomous data controllers, to whom it is mandatory to communicate your Personal Data pursuant to provisions of law or orders of the authorities.
  • C. persons authorised by the Data Controller to process Personal Data pursuant to art. 29 of the Regulation necessary to carry out activities strictly related to the provision of the Services, whether they are committed to confidentiality or have an adequate legal obligation of confidentiality (e.g. employees of Data Controller).

6. Retention of Personal Data

As expressly provided for by art. 5, co. 1, lett. e) of the GDPR, the Personal Data are kept for the time necessary for the Processing of the same in relation to the performance of the service. In particular:

  • The Data collected for contractual obligations will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the aforementioned purposes and in accordance with the law;
  • The Data collected for tax/administrative obligations or contractual obligations will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the aforementioned purposes and in accordance with the law;
  • The Data collected for Purposes attributable to the legitimate interest of the Data Controller will be retained until the satisfaction of this interest; The User can obtain further information about the legitimate interest pursued by the Data Controller by contacting the Data Controller.
  • The User can obtain further information about the legitimate interest pursued by the Data Controller by contacting the Data Controller.
  • The Data collected on the basis of the User’s Consent may be stored until such Consent is revoked;

The Data may be stored by the Data Controller for a longer period in compliance with legal obligations or by order of an authority.
At the end of the retention period the Personal Data will be deleted and therefore, the rights of access, cancellation, rectification and portability of the Data can no longer be exercised.

7. Data transfer abroad

The data may also be stored in the European Union by suppliers of the Data Controller to whom the data are transmitted Your personal data is not commonly transferred outside the European Union. In some cases, it is possible that your personal data may be transferred to a non-EU country, in compliance with the conditions of the Regulation. Such transfer can be put in place, without specific authorizations, in the hypothesis where the third country to which the transfer is put in place re-enters between those that second the EU commission guarantees an adequate level of protection. In the absence of the aforementioned adequate decision adopted by the European Commission, the transfer to third countries, can be carried out by adopting the appropriate guarantees pursuant to art. 46 of the Regulation on the basis of which the transfer of personal data takes place. In the absence of an adequacy decision or adequate guarantees, the transfer of personal data to third countries may be implemented if the conditions and additional conditions laid down in the Regulation, including the possibility of using them, are met, in specific situations, of the derogations regulated by art. 49 of the Regulation. It is possible that this transfer takes place on the basis of the individual service provided by the Data Controller following the installation of third-party. For each service you request will be provided a policy with details on the transfer, For example, within the Cookie Policy you are given the opportunity to verify the information of third parties who hold the relevant Cookie and manage the installation of the same and opting out. In the case of your personal data may be transferred by the Data Controller outside the European Union, the transfer will be carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation of all other applicable laws.

8. Rights of Data Subjects

You have the right to:

  • obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data concerning you, even if not yet recorded, and their communication without delay in an intelligible form;
  • request information, in writing, about your personal data stored by the Data Controller e.g.: origin, purposes, methods, categories, applied logic, retention period, rights, identifying data of the Data Controller, subjects or categories to which data may be communicated);
  • revoke consent to data processing;
  • request the deletion of data;
  • request the transformation and/or limitation or blocking of data processed in violation of the law;
  • require the updating, correction or integration of the data;
  • obtain your personal data, provided to the Data Controller, so that they can be transmitted to another Data Controller;
  • require a certificate that the aforementioned transactions have been brought to the attention of the persons to whom the data have been communicated, except where such compliance proves impossible or involves the use of means disproportionate to the protected right;
  • oppose, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, the processing of personal data concerning you, even if relevant to the purpose of the collection;
  • Submit a complaint to the Data Protection Authority ( garanteprivacy.it ).

For further information on privacy laws and rights, the interested party can visit the webWebsite of the Data Protection Authority at https://www.garanteprivacy.it.
To exercise your rights, you can write to the Data Controller at info@tecnotelai.it

9. Amendments

The Data Controller reserves the right to modify or simply update the content of the following Privacy Policy, in part or completely, also due to changes in the applicable legislation. The Data Controller therefore invites you to regularly visit this section to take note of the most recent and updated version of the Privacy policy in order to be always updated on the data collected and on the use that is made of it.

Last update: 01/05/2023